About Us
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Our Partner Charity FEDUT

Our goal is to provide targeted, educational & extracurricular support to young people by working with local schools and youth service providers.

Our mission is to contribute to the personal and/or educational development of vulnerable young people living in disadvantaged circumstances, with a focus on sponsoring targeted extra curricular activities or tutorials that contribute to their healthy self-development.

Beliefs & Principles


Honesty – transparency and accountability from all parties in all matters and activities.
Responsibility – understanding of and commitment to carry out all duties to the best of our ability at all times.
Productivity – all activities conducted in accordance with and towards the fulfilment of our vision.
Respect – from and between all participants, both staff and children involved in all projects at all times.
Solidarity – the pledge of unconditional support for all children involved in DEF projects.
Courage – the ability and belief to face challenges and the confidence to make bold decisions under adverse circumstances.

FEDUT students outside the building in Cali
The Dan Eley Foundation students carry out internships with companies


From the beginning DEF recognised that in order to carry out our aims most effectively it is important to count on the knowledge and experience of local partner organisations. For that reason one of our principal strategies has been to identify and form alliances with respected and trustworthy service delivery partners, with shared visions and objectives.


Since 1996 FEDUT has been successfully supporting children and young people from some of the most marginalised urban communities in Cali. As well as sponsoring them through their primary and secondary schooling FEDUT also run vocational and technical training schemes for youngsters from marginalised urban communities who leave school with no opportunities to enter into further education.


Each course trains approx. 30 young people who have passed through a stringent selection process and includes modules on: IT and relevant software packages, practical life skills and values, as well as a personalised mentorship programme for each student. The course is designed to give them the necessary skills to start working in a semi-professional role in a reputable local company.


The seventh month-programme comprises of a four-month theoretical phase followed by three-month internship carried out under the tutorship of a representative in a local firm. Our ultimate aim is that the student stays on in the company where he or she carried out their internship, in a full-time role, as a salaried employee.


During a ten-year alliance with FEDUT began in 2012 we financed the vocational training of 800 young people from underprivileged backgrounds. Approximately half of the course graduates found gainful employment in local companies.


Unfortunately, the alliance between the two organisations concluded in 2022 due to lack of continued funding streams for the programme. Despite this, both charities remain on good terms.

Even a small contribution can make a difference to someone’s life.


In addition to our work in Colombia we support a UK-based skills training charity called in Godalming, Surrey called Skillway. Since 2012 we have been providing bursaries for students to undergo two year ‘masterclass’ course in their chosen craft/trade.


In 2016 we launched our ‘Fresh Start’ programme in conjunction with Surrey Youth Support Services in order to help some of the most disadvantaged young people in the southwest Surrey area. Together we identify youngsters most in need and provide them with the equipment and support services they need help them access education and/or training and ultimately employment.


We want to give these youngsters practical help to enable them to take that first step in turning their life around.


Funds raised towards the programme are spent on items such as: suits and/or shoes for job interviews, refurbished laptops so they can work and learn at home, a basic mobile phone, a bicycle to get to training centres or a job interviews, and in some cases towards their Duke of Edinburgh award program.


Over the last nine years we helped over 100 youngsters in the southwest Surrey area obtain the equipment/services they most needed to help them get back in to education, training and/or employment.

Dan Eley with a student from the British partner charity scheme 'Fresh Start'